Towerstr. 20, 25551 Hohenlockstedt/Germany +49 4826 3763361 24/7

Class Rating CessnaSET

  • Class Rating CessnaSET
    Class Rating CessnaSET

    Expand your capabilities – Expand your potential

    To acquire the CessnaSET (Single Engine Turbine) class rating, the training has to be conducted at an ATO including a final examination. Itzehoer Air Service GmbH is an approved training organization (ATO DE.SH.ATO.020) and a perfect partner to acquire the CR .

    CessnaSET (land) includes the Cessna series 206/207 Soloy, 206 P&W, 210 Silver Eagle and the Cessna Caravan 208 / 208B according to the EASA Type Ratings and License Endorsement List. This rating can be earned through our ATO on our Cessna 208 Caravan (or Cessna 208 B).

    Our instructors have extensive experience in our operations which includes freight, passenger, skydiving operations and special missions such as photo flights. To support your training our base with includes a pilot lounge (with kitchen) and a crew rest room your training provides you with a supportive and relaxing atmosphere.

    Our training aircraft Cessna Caravan 208 D-FUNK is available as part of our EASA.FCL approved training program. On request the training can be conducted on our D-FUNC, a Cessna 208B Grand Caravan EX equipped with state of the art avionic Garmin G1000 NXI.

    Our homebase, airfield Itzehoe EDHF in the northern part of Germany between North- and Baltic Sea, is a perfect location for the SET training. Short taxiways and low flight frequency provide an attractive environment, although close to IFR airfields such as Lübeck (EDHL), Kiel (EDHF) or Hamburg (EDDH) IFR training is easily conducted as well.

    Right after completion of the training the examination will take place at our Base through a local CRE (A). The examination flight will be according to the training under VFR or IFR conditions on our training aircraft.

  • Requirements

    The following are minimum criteria to participate at the CessnaSET class rating training:

    • -Total flight time 200h, 70h as PIC;
    • -Privat Pilot License PPL(A) or Commercial Pilot License CPL(A);
    • -Class Rating SEP or MEP;
    • -Valid Medical;
    • -Valid IR rating if strived for SET-IR;
    • -Minimum 3 T/O and landings in prior last 90 days.

  • Training scope

    Theoretical training consists of 18h mainly self-study with appropriate coaching:

    • Overview of Cessna 208: Aircraft structure, electrical system, fuel system, anti-ice/de-ice, Pratt & Whitney PT6A turbine, equipment and normal operation
    • Operational limits
    • Performance data, flight planning and monitoring
    • Weight & Balance
    • Emergency procedures

    The theoretical part concludes with a test, which has to be passed with a minimum of 75%. After this milestone YOU are READY for TAKE-OFF with the C208.

    The practical flight training includes, according to the approved training program, 8h block time and can be divided into a maximum 5 of sessions. Each session includes a detailed briefing prior to each 1,5-2h block session and a detailed de-briefing after the flight.

  • Applicable credits

    CessnaSET - VFR only
    Applicants striving for CessnaSET only for VFR operations, the minimum training block time can be reduced to 6 h.


    CessnaSET - with experience on a different SET class rating
    For applicants with a minimum of 100 h powered by a Pratt & Whitney PT6A turbine aircraft with a SET class rating, the minimum training block time can be reduced to 5 h (4 h for VFR only).


    CessnaSET - for experienced pilots with higher qualification
    For applicants owning:

    • a valid commercial license (CPL, MPL or ATPL), or
    • a valid instructor license (FI, IRI, TRI or CRI), or
    • a valid examiner license (FE,TRE or CRE)

    AND have a minimum of 1000 h as PIC in total, and 50 h in the last 12 months, the minimum training block time can be reduced to 6 h (5 h for VFR only).

  • Price List CessnaSET

    "all inclusive" packages:
    • Class rating course CessnaSET (VFR) "All Inclusive" Cessna Caravan 675:
      Basic fee, 1 day theoretical training, 3 days of practical training including 6 flying hours (block time), all documents for the theory examination, practical test including check flight, fees for CRI and CRE, forms for submission to the authorities.
      (not included: all landing fees)

    7.830,- €
    • Class rating course CessnaSET (IFR) - "All Inclusive" Cessna Caravan 675:
      Basic fee, 2 day theoretical training, 3 days of practical training including 8 flying hours (block time), all documents for the theory examination, practical test including check flight, fees for CRI and CRE, forms for submission to the authorities.
      (not included: all landing, IFR and handling fees)

    9.810,- €
    • Class rating course CessnaSET (VFR)  "All Inclusive" Cessna Grand Caravan EX:
      Basic fee, 1 day theoretical training, 3 days of practical training including 6 flying hours (block time), all documents for the theory examination, practical test including check flight, fees for CRI and CRE, forms for submission to the authorities.
      (not included: all landing fees)

    8.460,- €
    • Class rating course CessnaSET (IFR) - "All Inclusive" Cessna Grand Caravan EX:
      Basic fee, 2 day theoretical training, 3 days of practical training including 8 flying hours (block time), all documents for the theory examination, practical test including check flight, fees for CRI and CRE, forms for submission to the authorities.
      (not included: all landing, IFR and handling fees)

      If parts of the training do not meet the necessary requirements, refresher training may be required for these parts! The cost of additional training is not included in the package price!
    11.970,- €

    Check Flights and additional training:
    • Check Flight CessnaSET VFR:
      Per hour (block time) including Examiner (CRE)
      (not included: all landing, IFR and handling fees)
    1.480,- €
    • Check Flight CessnaSET IFR:
      Per hour (block time) including Examiner (CRE)
      (not included: all landing, IFR and handling fees)
    1.840,- €
    • PJE Supervision for jump pilots:
      Additional training for pilots with class rating CessnaSET who want to drop parachutists. The briefing takes place directly in the jump operation. 12 dropping flights will be carried out together with an instructor.
      Only within the season from April to October.
    1.850,- €
    • IR supplement training:
      An existing IR rating for single-engine aircraft (SE/IR) may be "transferred" to an existing CessnaSET class rating. For this purpose, we offer an IR training tailored to the practical examination for class rating CessnaSET as well as the necessary skill test.
    4.650,- €
    • Renewal of the class rating CessnaSET:
      If the license endorsement CessnaSET(PIC) or CessnaSET(IR) has expired, applicants must complete an ATO refresher training and a proficiency check in accordance with FCL.740 (b) and FCL.625 (c), respectively. The amount of required refresher training needed will be determined by the head of training on a case-by-case basis. Costs for flat-rate administration fee and practical flight training can be find in the list below.
    as required

    Other prices Education:
    • Flat-rate administration fee for licences in the area of competence of the German LBA
    400,- €
    • Flat-rate administration fee for foreign licence holders (only EU Aviation authorities)
    800,- €
    • Theoretical training per day
    250,- €
    • Practical flight training per hour (block time) auf Cessna Caravan 675
    1020,- €
    • Practical flight training per hour (block time) auf Cessna Grand Caravan EX
    1.390,- €
    • Daily rate Instructor (CRI)
    250,- €
    • Daily rate Examiner (CRE)
    250,- €

    All prices are exclusive of VAT of 19%.
    Price list valid from 01.05.2023

    Information about the training at: +49 (0) 4826 - 3763361, or via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  • Date Preview

    Class Rating 2024
    The next course for the class rating Cessna SET will take place from 1 to 12 April 2024. Please note: before this date there is no possibility to acquire, revalidate or renew a rating.



IAS Itzehoer Airservice GmbH

Towerstr. 20, 25551 Hohenlockstedt/Germany

+49 4826 3763361

Mo-Fr: H24